National Pony Society Dressage Qualifiers These qualifiers are for various riding pony breeds, you must be a member to qualify, for more information please see NPS website. Entries can be made online (forms below), by post or [email protected]. Please let us know that you are entering as a NPS qualifier test and not as a Trailblazer/British dressage test.
SHOWS @ HARGATE Un-affilliated/Trailblazer classes (T/B) Classes are competitive and include showjumping, dressage, combined training (Dressage + SJ totalling a combined score), Working hunter, Inhand showing & Ridden showing. Anyone is welcome to enter. There is no registration required to enter, membership is only required if you wish to qualify for championship shows. Trailblazer membership is free, you can join here. If you have qualified for a Second Round in any discipline, please ask the Secretary for a Congratulations letter to request your Second Round Card. Payment is £12 per card and can be made by cheque or by PayPal via our Whats On/Entries page Cashjumping classes (CASHSJ) Competitive showjumping. Anyone is welcome to enter although prizemoney is only awarded to members (membership fee applies, join on website) Affiliated British Dressage classes (BD) Competitive dressage levels Prelim - Medium inc. music classes. You need to be a BD member to enter (membership fee applies, join on their website) or class tickets can be purchased if non-member. Affiliated British Showjumpingclasses (BS) Competitive showjumping, you need to be a BS member to enter (membership fee applies, join on their website) or class tickets can be purchased if non-member. Teamquest British Dressage British Dressage Team Quest competitions, teams of 3/4 riders compete against each other. Full details of the competition can be found on the British Dressage website, but in brief teams can enter either as a team of 3 or 4 riding Intro, Prelim or Novice tests as U25 or Open Teams (mixed or Over 25 ages) Riders must be registered teamquest members or any other paid BD membership (membership fee applies, join on their website)